Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Larry King Live

Larry King had a segment on whether beef was safe or scary and basically portrayed beef as unsafe to consume for the family. He did so by showing the cases of ecoli and similar illness caused by beef. Even though there was more than enough evidence proving beef is safe and important to the diet, viewers probably missed this message. The beef industry has very strict regimen that all producers/meat packers must follow actually all animal products like milk all have strict rules on production for the safety of the consumer. Often illness by animal products are caused by the cooks error. Some of the most common errors are not cooking the meat to the proper degree. Hamburgers should be cooked to 160 degrees Fahrenheit to kill pathogens like ecoli. Also improper storage of meats. It only takes 20min for meat sitting at room temperature to begin to grow bacteria granted not enough bacteria to harm but it is just to make the point that proper storage of meat is very important.

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